What we do
The Melbourne GRADE centre acts as a regional base for the GRADE working group in Australia, providing training and support for systematic review authors and those developing health guidance. GRADE methods provide a transparent approach to rating the certainty of evidence and developing healthcare recommendations.
Our centre aims to enable use of the GRADE approach through activities that include:
Training in the use and interpretation of GRADE – courses are offered regularly in Melbourne and other locations
Methodological support and consultancy for those wanting to use GRADE methods in clinical practice guidelines, research synthesis and health policy
Advancing GRADE methods by leading and contributing to GRADE-related research, and disseminating new guidance
Who we are
The Melbourne GRADE centre is based at Cochrane Australia. Our team of trainers, methodologists and researchers bring long-standing experience from our work supporting review authors and guideline developers, and applying and advancing systematic review methods.
All members of our team hold roles within Cochrane, an independent, not-for-profit organisation that produces systematic reviews recognised as an international gold standard for high quality, trusted health information. Cochrane was among the first organisations to implement GRADE and contributes to the development of GRADE through its Cochrane GRADEing methods group. The Melbourne GRADE centre formalises our team’s regional role in supporting the use of GRADE by review authors and those developing health guidance.
Methods development
Our centre contributes to the development of GRADE through collaborating on GRADE-related research and disseminating new guidance. Members of our team have a special interest in the use of GRADE in overviews of systematic reviews, and are leading research in this area. Learn more.
The GRADE working group site provides up-to-date GRADE guidance, criteria for applying or using GRADE in reviews and guidelines, and information about GRADEpro GDT. GRADEpro is a web application to create, manage and share summaries of research evidence (called Evidence Profiles and Summary of Findings Tables).
Visit Cochrane training for access to GRADE guidance and other publications from the GRADE working group, online training modules, webinars, and the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.
Visit the Guidelines International Network (GIN) youtube channel for presentations on guideline development including an introductory webinar on using GRADE in guidelines.
GRADE news and events
Training from other GRADE Centres
Tweets by @GRADE_WG
Contact us
We welcome enquiries about any aspect of our work, including our workshops, methodological support, and opportunities to contribute to the GRADE working group.